One of the ‘ups’ – I’m still here and celebrating birthdays.
One of the ‘downs’ – my Mother, bless her soul, didn’t remember. I know her memory is wonky at best these days, but I also know that I sent her a personalized calendar with everyone’s birthdays on it (including hers and mine) and I know that she faithfully crosses off each day on the calendar so they are better able to keep track of what day it is. Or at least, she used to. So now I’m guessing that time tracking is also losing its appeal. Heavy sigh. I know I’m still lucky to have both parents alive at their age, but I’m also sure that there’s little more disheartening than them forgetting about your birthday. It’s just another in a long line of steps we take as we get older.
Another birthday ‘down’ – the long awaited boat ride on Lake Erie planned by Nancy and I was (once again) canceled. We’ve had this planned since last summer and I was really excited about this. I’m not a huge boat lover, but this promised to be a fast boat allowing wind in our hair and water splashed on our faces. That would be fun!
Another ‘up’ – instead of the boat ride, we ended up at Rosewood Grill in Hudson for dinner that night.
Rosewood Grill

There’s a funny story lurking here somewhere but it’s better told in person. Ask me about it sometime and I’ll tell it. The upshot of the thing is that this young 20-something guy asked Cathy and I if we needed a ride somewhere – and he wasn’t trying to pick us up! Somehow (don’t know why that would be CATHY) he had the impression we were unable to drive a vehicle. Humpf! When I retorted that we were going to walk across the street to First and Main he quite seriously asked if we were OK to do so. Young kids these days! No idea of how old biddies giggle when we’ve had one little martini.

Anyway…we did manage to stumble over to the commons at First and Main and found their Friday night concert in full swing. Carlos Jones was playing and I very much have found a new local band I like. Known as the “iron-man” of the reggae scene in Cleveland, Carlos focuses on uplifting reggae music. The crowd was swaying and moving to the music and everyone was happy.
So my birthday 'down' got turned upside down. I had a very pleasant evening with friends and that's what it's all about anyhow.
My version of the Rosewood Grill Moscow Mule
I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between ginger beer and golden ginger ale, but I found a 4 pack of Ginger Beer at the grocery, so with that I think I came very close to the drink served us at Rosewood Grill. I'll have to open a bottle of the beer and a can of my Vernor's to see how they differ.
This was perfect in the heat of the evening when I had little to do and could simply relax.
2 shots Smirnoff Vodka
juice from 1/2 a fresh lime
bottle of Ginger Beer
Squeeze the lime into a tall glass filled with ice, and then add the Vodka; finally, add Ginger Beer to taste, remembering that this is meant to be a long drink.
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