Do you remember the Beach Boys song about having "fun fun fun 'till her daddy takes the t-bird away"? Well, sometimes I think one of these days someone's gonna take my keys from me and put a stop to all this running around having fun. And maybe someday someone will...once I'm older and grayer, of course. Meanwhile, it was a flurry of activity for the past couple of weekends and my poor car (Robert) didn't see much of the inside of his garage.

The Fourth of July was actually fairly quiet except for a very pleasant evening out at Blossom Music Center under the stars. The Blossom Festival Orchestra played wonderfully and had all our toes tapping to some marching music for the most part. Yes...marching music as in the John Phillip Sussa's marches. And, of course, the standard 1812 Overture with cannon. And fireworks.
The place was packed, as usual for the holiday but the crowd disbursed easily after the fireworks and the normally expected exit mess was completely avoided. Kudo's for the venue if they've actually done something proactive to move traffic along so well this year.

Hey, anyone out there like Mustard Seed Market? A couple of Saturdays ago they celebrated Bluesberry Festival with everything blueberry all over the store and some pretty darned good blues played by a local band out front. This is a great way to eat your way through a food store...blueberry smoothies, blueberry salsa, blueberry muffins, blueberry drinks, blueberry ambrosia...YUM!
My food buddy Bev was with me and we managed to snag quite a bit to eat...which was a great
thing since we were then headed over to our favorite wine shop (Western Reserve Wines to work our way through their July 12 under $12. This is a great way to sample a lot of wines all at once to determine your own likes and dislikes. For $5 you can't hardly beat it. For those of you that know me, it would come as no surprise that the white wines are generally not my favorites. So far I've found one that I really like and have purchased several bottles for my wine stash. And normally I run across one or two reds that I like. However this month Kathi outdid herself on the selections and I found 4 that I REALLY liked. The malbecs and tempranillo's really stood out this week. The Laurel Glen Terra Rosa Malbec with a touch of tempranillo was yummy good. They describe it as "robust, mouth-filling and teeth-staining" and oooo they are right on the money! The Dominio De Eguren Codice tempranillo was also luscious. Great stuff to drink alone (by that I mean no food, not no companion) or would stand up to some spicy foods. I'm still partial to my Trumpeter Malbec but these two are right up there for my unsophisticated palate.

So not being one to think this made for a full day.....that evening was also Porthouse Theater
night with the other lovely ladies....and Grant! And having a slight wine buzz is not a bad way to kick the evening off. These theater nights are one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. We all bring a little food to share, a couple bottles of wine and set up for a picnic before the show. This weekend we saw The Odd Couple...which is still a classic play. I remember seeing this when I was just a little biddy out in Ravenna at the original Carousel Theater and even way back then I thought it was funny.

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